BCCM strongly believes that collaboration through a consortium approach allows participating entities to leverage costs and maximize impact on targeted issues of shared concern. BCCM’s administrative and management support services provide consortium participants the time to focus on substantive issues, rather than administrative and organizational ones, to ensure that the consortium’s interests are protected and immunized from antitrust concerns, and its voice heard on a wide-range of regulatory, scientific, legal, and related issues. BCCM’s administrative support services include the following:
- Prepare a consortium charter, by-laws, record retention policy, and an antitrust policy;
- Create a business and/or strategic plan;
- Coordinate availability and schedule conference calls and meetings;
- Organize and administer web conferences;
- Coordinate and arrange annual or other meetings;
- Distribute and revise draft and final minutes for conference calls, web conferences, and meetings, usually within 24-48 hours;
- Conduct all recordkeeping duties; and
- Lead membership recruitment and promotional activities.
BCCM’s significant experience allows us to tailor our services to the consortium’s desires. If other administrative services are required, BCCM is pleased to accommodate such needs.